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Digital Inhouse Radio

Introduction to digital inhouse radio with TETRA

TETRA was standardized by the European Telecommunications Standardization Institute (ETSI), which, in addition to TETRA, is also responsible for other standards such as GSM, UMTS, etc.

What are the advantages of digital radio?

  • A common network for all services
  • Very high voice quality right up to the limits of the radio range
  • Secure communications by voice and data encryption
  • Constant development of digital radio
  • High availability of end devices and spare parts
  • Enables both voice and data transmission (e.g. SDS)
  • Emergency calls including GPS tracking
  • Communication in private or public telephone networks

Operating Modes

In digital radio, a distinction is made between TMO and DMO operating modes. The TMO operation (Trunked Mode Operation) integrates the participants into the nationwide TETRA Public Safety network and supports its features, such as connection to the control center and telephony. In DMO operation (Direct Mode Operation), a temporary radio network is set up by the end devices themselves. They work independently of the TETRA network, but with a limited feature set

What is the purpose of a digital inhouse radio system?

A digital in-house radio system has the task of ensuring radio coverage within buildings. For this reason, property operators are obliged to provide radio systems free of charge to authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS). Structures that are important for operational purposes must be supplied, such as: E.g. office complexes, airports and tunnels in which communication between all Public Safety organisations is not guaranteed by the nation wide TETRA network. Depending on the tactical requirements of the Public Safety organisation involved, the specific features of the property and the capacity requirements, the TETRA object supply is carried out either through base stations, TMO and/or DMO repeaters. Optical distribution can be used to distribute signals in larger buildings. In Germany, the legally prescribed requirements for object radio coverage are determined by the individual countries.

RADIODATA as a system manufacturer

RADIODATA is represented in the relevant specialist committees, is in close contact with the authorities and is TEA2-certified by the TETRA Association.
With this knowledge and the experience of well over 1000 base stations in analog in-house radio systems, RADIODATA designs and manufactures project-specific building radio solutions in analog and/or digital technology using its own components available on the market. Adapted migration solutions enable a high level of investment security. The services include, among others, consulting, requirements assessment, tendering, production, installation, measurement, documentation, acceptance, training and maintenance. RADIODATA works with a nationwide network of qualified radio dealers.


Optical RF Distribution
Optical RF disribution systems extend the RF coverage in large buildings
In-Building Coverage
Safe and secure commuinications in public buildings like hospitals, conferenc centers, malls, airports, train stations etc.
DIPRA® - Digital Professional Radio
Reliable DMR Tier II and Tier III communications systems
Mining Radio Communication
Radio Communication Systems tailored for the needs of mining companies
DMR -Simulcast solutions for Tier II and Tier III
Portable Mobile Radio
Portable Mobile Radio solutions
Audio Processing Gateway
A compact device to integrate digital and analog radio systems
High quality RF components for 50 MHz up to 500 MHz
Groundplane-Antennas for analog and digital radio systems